Padme Funeral art & Closet progress

Nothing else to say today. Frustrated with my bins at the moment just because I can’t find 3 of the tops. Where the heck did they go??

Ok I’m back. I found the tops so I mostly finished off the closet, still got a bit to do – haven’t seen some of my costumes yet, but mostly older and small costumes like Lum that I’m not worried about – probably all that’s left will fit in two boxes.

It's 90% done. There's a handful of costumes I haven't seen yet, but got room for them on the top shelf.
Now to get the rest of the prop room straightened up. And also, I pulled out some of the posters tubes that were hanging around and found the Leia poster Chase got for me probably back in 2007? We never finished the prop room at the apartment so we never hung it up, so today we got a frame for it and it’ll be up in the prop room eventually.